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You need to learn How to Handle Toxic People and Build Rock Solid Confidence and Self-Esteem. We know that it is a difficult task and that it sounds easier than done. Most of us have encountered one or more toxic people in our lives. You will come across many people who broke up with their partner because of their toxic nature. The partner was abusing him or her in an emotional manner. They were making the other person feel guilty at all times and that too at no fault of theirs. This starts to take a toll on their emotional and physical health. Soon they end up becoming recluse and avoid meeting other people. In some cases, many have committed suicide, as they could not put up with the abuse. You will find toxic people at office as well. Either your boss is a megalomaniac and toxic person to the core or your colleagues are such that they make you work and then take the credit. You are left to dry alone. You slowly start doubting yourself and think that you are no good. You ...