How to Handle Toxic People

 Do you have toxic people around you that make you feel miserable? I used to have many people around me with negativities. Although funny things happen, the more happy and positive I became, the more these types of people disappeared. 

Here are a few tips to assist you if you are baffled how to handle toxic people and start enticing more positive people in your life.


Shift their focus

If you find you are around many people that are complaining, try to change their focus. Rather than getting sucked in their drama, ask them what they would like rather or if anything good came out of the situation. Possibly, that will stop them from complaining and assist them to see the situation from a new perception. Just eliminate your fears and phobias

Preserve your own energy

If you just can’t leave the situation, take time to preserve your own energy so that you don’t take on the negativities of the person. Imagine yourself safeguarded by a big white bubble full of positive energy. You will allow only positive energy and there should be no place for negativity. This is basically quite relaxing as you know regardless what happens, you won’t allow their bad vibes to affect you.  You have to learn how to control your emotions

Stand up for yourself

Above everything else, start doing what makes you happy. If you don’t feel good while you are around someone, you should stop being around them. Just wish them all the best in your mind and move on to people that make you feel good. If it is someone that you have to spend time with, such as a family member, restrict how much you spend time with them and try to preserve your own energy as mentioned above. You may also have a face to face conversation with them about this.


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